Public Engagement Materials

Here we hope to create a space for researchers to share their EVucational tools with the wider EV community. If you have anything that you wish to highlight then please email us (

Word searches and colouring in for the younger scientists by Charlotte Boyd, Sheffield Hallam University public outreach event called Explore!

For the younger scientists see the simple colouring in and word search Sheffield Hallam Extracellular Vesicles Activity

3DEV: the open-source 3D-vesicle model. Dr Christian Burton (Tissue Microenvironment Group), Cardiff University.

To help researchers communicate their work, and to make the idea of extracellular vesicles come alive, we have created a fully printable 3DEV.

Each of the printable elements has a summary sheet with some information about the molecule, and a 3D PDF to help traditional 2D representations come alive, downloadable from here.

  • If you would like to add your model to the set, we welcome submissions, and templates are available here.
  • If you do not have access to modelling software or a 3D printer, contact us ( and we will be happy to help.

Teaching and EV materials. Carter Pink Lab, Oxford Brookes University.

As part of his final year BSc Biomedical Sciences project Niall Early ( has been using his bioscience animation skills from where he is also Scientific Art Director at fusion medical animation and made a set of open source EV pictures and short video licensed under creative commons for people to freely use for education.

The still images can be downloaded from here.

The video version with subtitles is here, or without here.

Virtual Reality: Extracellular Vesicles – the cells’ secret messengers

Supported by ISEV, Prof Dave Carter (Oxford Brookes University) and Prof Edit Buzas (Semmelweis University) have been working with Arkitek and have created a VR experience to highlight the basis of EVs and their benefits. With this you can pan around a 360 degree virtual cell and watch a narrated six minute video on how EVs are made and function. This can be viewed with a full VR unit or a module phone with a cheap VR holder (we use the VR shinecon £23) by using the youtube video here.

EVucation. Carter Pink Lab, Oxford Brookes University.

This makes up three different EV related activities for the different School key stages. These are built around simple messy play for the younger ones and using computer webcams for the older participants.

  • ‘Exosome Monsters’ – Key Stage 0, ages 3-5
  • ‘Squishy Blood’ – Key Stage 1-2, ages 6-11.
  • ‘Exosome health scanner’ – Key stage 2+, ages 8 – adults

Click on the link for the PDF of instructions: EVucation How to do Instruction Guide.For any of the artwork click here and the Exosome health scanner software (PC only) download here: Vesiclereader. Those that know their way around a computer and want to suggest changes to this python programme can use the github version here Carter Pink Lab, Oxford Brookes University.

To build the engagement of EVs for the understanding of all of society some of the undergraduates on BSc Biomedical Science degrees have been basing their final year projects on public engagement of EVs.  Helen Onwuzuruoha came to UKEVforum 2018 and interviewed the speakers which is to be made into a podcast, but the transcripts were used by Natalie Kong to create this website The hope is to build on this with other students and across universities to release the full podcasts and develop the website.

EV Colouring books! – Rachel Crossland, Newcastle University 

For the younger children here is a Sciencey Colouring & Join the EVs” EV colouring book based around EVs. Click here EV Colouring Book

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