Elections and Calls for Subcommittees

The UK Society for Extracellular Vesicles needs your help! UKEV is run by volunteers and the goal is to help EV research in the UK. We would like to do more, but in order to do so we need more EV researchers to get involved in different ways:

  • Committee membership. The UKEV elections will be taking place this summer. There will be opportunities to join the UKEV Committee as a full member. More details to follow.
  • We are launching a number of initiatives within our ‘Science’, ‘Communication’ and ‘Public Outreach’ subcommittees and need volunteers to help.
  • If you feel you can help, and/or would like to join one of these committees as an ‘adjunct member’ then please contact info@ukev.org.uk with info on how you feel you can help along with a 2-page CV.
  • Current committee members are eligible to apply for the positions of President-elect, Treasurer-elect and Secretary-elect. If you are a current member interested in running for one of these positions then please email info@ukev.org.uk
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