ISEV MOOC I – Basics of EVs


“Basics of Extracellular Vesicles”

A Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)

Enrollment Now Open!

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The ISEV Education Committee has produced a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) for students and beginners in the field of extracellular vesicles such as exosomes and microvesicles.
Goals and Scientific Program

This aims to provide the basic knowledge about extracellular vesicles (EV) a generic term including exosomes, microvesicles, microparticles, ectosomes, oncosomes, prostasomes, and many others. It covers areas such as EV history, nomenclature, biogenesis, EV cargo as well as the release and uptake mechanisms, collection and processing prior to isolation, different isolation methods, characterization and quantification techniques.
This course is divided into five modules.
Module 1 is an introduction to the field and will cover the nomenclature and the history of EVs.
Module 2 will focus on the biogenesis, release and uptake mechanisms of EVs as well as the different EV cargos (RNA, protein, lipids).
Module 3 will focus on the collection and processing of cell culture media and body fluids such as blood, breast milk, cerebrospinal fluid and urine prior to isolation of EVs.
Module 4 and 5 will present different isolation methods and characterization/quantification techniques, respectively. Here differential ultracentrifugation, size exclusion chromatography, density gradient, kit based precipitation, electron microscopy (EM), cryo-TEM, flow cytometry, atomic-force microscopy and nanoparticle tracking analysis will be presented.

Who is this class for?

This course is meant for anyone interested in the field of extracellular vesicles including biology and medical students and PhD students without previous experience in the field as well as clinicians, cell and molecular biologists and researchers who want to broaden their understanding of the field and deepen their knowledge about particular techniques.


This first ISEV MOOC can be accessed via the Coursera platform and is the result of collaboration with University of California Irvine (USA), University of Gothenburg (Sweden) and Pohang University of Science and Technology (South Korea).

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