The Hatter Cardiovascular Institute Scientific Meeting

Exosomes: From engineering to application

Date: Friday 31st January, 2020 – Time: 9:30am – 3:30pm – Cost: Free

At : Hatter Cardiovascular Institute Library, University College London

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Prof Derek Yellon and Prof Sean Davidson are organizing a 1-day Extracellular Vesicles (EV) workshop in the library of the Hatter Cardiovascular Institute at University College London, on Friday the 31st January, 2020. The workshop is specifically designed to explore the importance of EV, and their potential application.

This meeting will bring together leaders in the field of exosome research specific to cardiovascular science from across the UK and Europe. In sharing current progress and challenges it is hoped beneficial knowledge exchange will stimulate thought-provoking discussion and work towards developing new ideas and opportunities.

The overarching aims of the meeting are detailed below and are aimed at understanding the present landscape and direction of future evolution in exosome research specific to cardiovascular science:

  • What is known about the current biological significance/mechanism of exosomes?
  • What is the criteria for distinguishing exosomes from other extracellular vesicles – seek to establish a universal approach to avoid confusion and reduce skepticism.
  • The potential of exosomes as a new arm of regenerative medicine in the fields of:
    • Cardiology
    • Cardiovascular biology
    • Translational pathway  towards clinical applications of exosomes
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