UKEV Virtual Forum 2020

We want to thank everyone that created and come to the 2020 UKEV virtual forum and making it so special.

Next year we hope for it to be in person in the lovely city of Edinburgh!

For legacy information see below…………….

Online! 7-8 December 2020

Free to UKEV and EU society members

Though not in person, we are pleased to announce the UKEV Virtual Forum 2020. This is being co-led by Ana O’Loghlen (Queen Mary University London) and Naveed Akbar (University of Oxford), with the help of an army of volunteers across the UK mentioned below.

A day and a half of Keynote speakers, talks, Flash presentations, UKEV Young Investigator Award and a social event, all supported by your favourite sponsors.

The confirmed speakers are:

Prof Edit Buzas (Semmelweis University), Dr Kenneth Cadwell (NYU Langone), Dr Akiko Takahashi (Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research), Prof Sean Davidson (University College London).

Abstract Deadline – Closed

Registration – Closed

For those that are registered then instructions will be emailed. The interactive booklet will be available to download. The conference will be delivered by Zoom so please update your software.

We look forward to seeing you all there!

Special thank you to our sponsors….

Platinum Sponsor:

Gold Sponsors:

Silver Sponsors:

Evening Event – also join us on the 7th at 6pm for the Forum Social, featuring science-comedian Steve Cross and pub-style quiz. This is a chance to socialise with forum attendees in an informal setting, have a bit of a laugh, and possibly win some swag. Hope to see you all there!

Thanks to all the organisers Ana O’Loghlen (Queen Mary University London) and Naveed Akbar (University of Oxford)

and the wider organisation committees:

Booklet and TimetablingCaterina Castanheira, Charlotte Lawson and Luisa Weiss
SponsorshipJames Boyne, Dave Carter and Nick Peake
TechYvonne Couch and Daan Paget
Evening EventDominik Brotherton and Mark Ofield
Registration and AbstractEkene Anakor, Norhayati B Liaqat Ali Khan and Silvia Oggero
Advertising and Social MediaEmily Clarke, Rachel Crossland, Hannah Jackson, Ryan Pink and Jason Webber
SpeakersManu Carollo, Lizzie Dellar, Andew Devitt, Daniel Lambert and Ronelle Roth

The 2021 UKEV forum is still planned to take place in Edinburgh

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